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I'm rather worried now...

Looking forward SO MUCH on getting to dimensions of the mighty Muhvijärvi.


how do you play

Sauna very nice I like ->


how i play thi Lataa tämä, se Sauna2000 on siin pelis.

I really enjoyed Sauna 2000 on the Haunted PS1 Disc 2020. So it came as a surprise when I saw that this was a thing!
You´ve got something amazing here, I´ll send some extra sisu your way!


As a person in Chinese mainland,I could not get over the Wall and I cannot download it on Kickstarter


I love this game and can't wait to see more!  Everything is so beautiful.


When would this game Released? I hope the Full Version is FREE!


The Kickstarter campaign had a delivery date of June 2021. We're now several months past that.

Is this basically abandonware at this point?


I mean isnt that how all kickstarters are lmao

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I highly recommend checking the YouTube channel or Twitter for updates on progress. :)


still cant wait Lmao! I loved it when I first laid eyes on the first verson


burnout late 2020, and a project “collaborator” turned out to be a total psychopath. It’s been rough as hell on mental health. Alpha demo coming out soon though. I recommend checking YouTube or Twitter for updates. 


What is the name of the song and artist at the main menu? Beautiful and brilliant!

Can't wait for the full game !

Hope things are going well for you !

kisses from France

great demo, can't wait for the full game.


Hey there! I played your game as part five of my trek through the Haunted PS1 Demo Disc (I actually started the disc in February but ya know, 2020). At first I thought I was perhaps being offered respite from the spooky times but the spooky times met me again at a sweet Finnish rave so that's cool. 
Really happy to hear this is being made into a full game and I will play it for sure when it comes out! (Sorry I am so late I missed the Kickstarter but congrats on making your goals, YAY!)


I loved the demo and I bet the full version will be AMAZING keep doing a great job!


Donated $15 to Kickstarter yesterday! Saw the demo a few months back on Vinesauce, and had to try it myself. Hope it all goes without a hitch!

Thank you so much!


Hit that 10k$, we need that game really hard. Dev=God


hello! i really enjoyed the demo. i'm from finland, but the first time i tried this out was the highest amount of finnishness i've ever felt :D looking forward to the full version. i hope you'll release desktop wallpapers or something, i love the aesthetic!


We'll aim to provide wallpapers! Thank you for your enthusiasm! News soon!


This is Amazing! I Laughed to Death when i Heard the Finnish Person speaking. I Am Finnish Person myself :)
If i can ask Does someone Help u with the Voice Line's?
Actually I Don't care Keeep it up! Finally i found something that Made me laugh and Happy.

Äänisuunnittelijana toimiva Nikke Kuki on päähenkilö Jaskan Äänenä. Kokoversioon tulee isompi määrä hahmoja, joten enemmän ääninäyttelijöitäkin. Kiitokset kommentista! Yeah for some odd reason I'm perfectly capable of Finnish- Amos

How's the game coming along? Would love to see the full version soon. 


Today has been all about texturing this Saab 900. Announcements coming soon. Thanks for asking!Image


Each passing day I look more and more forward to the full version.


Nice to hear! :) Thank you!  

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This is now my gold standard on how daily life in Finland is.

1. Chop Wood

2. Get water

3. Empty ash

4. Collect beer

5. Dont get eaten by the finnish sauna demon

6. Enjoy the sauna


What did I do differently to go to that alien looking world that one time ?


2nd run

That makes sense, I tried to replicate it but I wasnt able to get into it again sadly.


Please tell me that a full version is coming.



This is incredible, perfect atmosphere, aesthetics and the creepy payoff!

Thank you!


One of my personal favorites of the Demo Disc, this game has a masterfully-executed build up and a very trippy and insane payoff. I really can't wait to see more of this game! Third and last game in the video. 

Huge thanks for playing! Nice one catching the second person. Sorry for loud sounds. The demo was too very rushed :/


You would have fooled me! This game was amazing, and I look forward to seeing its future direction!


really awesome game :) 10/10

how to get it?

Demo is on


This was amazing! Definitely the best game on hauntedps1. I was pleasantly suprised from all the small details, from the ash tray, to the different "endings". As someone who has been to a sauna, the gameplay felt very natural, as weird as that sounds. 

The style was executed flawlessly, usually people don't try that much, just throw a couple of shaders and shitty sound effects and done. This however was nostalgia inducing, even though I have never owned a console from that time. The game seems very niche, but that made it very refreshing. I loved the Finland vibe and the main character.

Amazing work, keep up the good work. I will definitely keep an eye out for you!

This game is absolutely fantastic. I have played this through at least 20 times by now meticulously searching for easter eggs and ways to trigger different endings. Never thought I’d be this excited for a game of this style to drop. Easily the best game on the haunted demo disc.

I have one question though, what’s the name of the song/songs that play from the radio after it gets switched on and plays during the sauna experience?

Thank you!! Thee song is "Syksyinen yö" By Lauta Jaska. You can find his songs on Soundcloud 


Saw a favorite streamer of mine play this, what really caught my attention was the song that the musician in that desert/apocalypse area sings, what is the song from?


It's our original production from years back. I don't know how it got there. Possibly there will be some clarification in the full release.

I really want that song. It's so calm and dark. Patiently waiting for the source :)

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This is probably one of my favorite games on the demo disk NGL! I really like how it starts as something so simple and branches out from there. I've found a few different endings so far, though I have a suggestion for one more... Is there a way I can message you directly about it to avoid posting spoilers in the comments?

on twitter @amossorri   Hit me up on dem dms!

where do i run after make sauna

Tried sitting on the top seat and throwing water?


hello! what is the name of music when "Insert PraySalvation disc" screen shows?


It's a song by our musician / sound designer Nikke Kuki
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oh thanks! by the way can you make 10 hours of that screen? it emits so much of aesthetic i want to look at it for whole eternity until the Universe collapses


We'll aim to make that a possible reality in the full release. But I hope this works for now.


Thanks. It works for now. By the way I came from Alpha Beta Gamer. I'll follow your updates :3


Neat. I assumed the demo was all there would be. Sauna 2000 is one of my favorites on the demo disc, really great job.

Huge thanks! Highly appreciated! Perkele!